No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. - Alan Watts // Everyone wants to save the world in their own way. At nowMedia, we’re all about introspective and transformative Content. Our speciality: Livestreams, podcasts and video production in-house and for clients. We develop far reaching products with meaning and depth, in close collaboration with our clients.

Humankind and the way of life are our focus, so we also offer coaching and retreats for leaders and creators, so they may bring their impact on the world to the next level. nowMedia is a tight team. We are gamers, film makers, streamers, tech nerds, planners, entrepreneurs and coaches. What connects us all is the love for The Good Life. We work for each other, and we want to work for You, and would do so with pleasure. We will realize your livestream, podcast, event or retreat. Hit us up!