PlaytestCloud offers a remote playtesting and user research platform for mobile games, assisting in game preparation for hundreds of game studios worldwide. We achieve this daily by making it easy for mobile game developers to watch how real players play their games, from early prototypes to fully released games. We have more than one million players all over the world, ready to playtest – and you can have access to all of them, immediately. This not only saves you, the mobile game developer, immense work, but it also allows you to pick very specific players from which to get feedback from. With PlaytestCloud, game developers can playtest any game build on iOS, Android or in their mobile browser, since our technology safely distributes their build and deactivates it after the playtest. Our team works with the biggest game developers in the industry such as Wargaming, Ubisoft among many others, big and small. With massive growth in the gaming industry, PlaytestCloud loves supporting industry partners as they discover why players are playing their mobile games in the ways that they do.